
Showing posts with the label LUIS

Make Dynamics CRM smarter with Chatbot - LUIS - QnA Maker

Hello, Today, I would like to discuss with you making Dynamics CRM intelligent within our daily business. Suppose that your local Chatbot top of Microsoft Bot Framework welcomes your customer (  Create simple Chatbot solution over Microsoft Bot Framework in visual Studio 2017 - Step By Step instruction ) and receives text messages in human-readable format then converts it to machine-readbable (  LUIS - Language Understanding Intelligent Service - step by step instruction ) and finally triggers an operation in Dynamics CRM  or Azure Bot service receives customer questions then answers them through Knowledge Articles of Dynamics CRM without reaching out call center agent or customer representative (  Step by step instruction of QnA Maker configuration then Train it based on Dynamics CRM Sample Data Knowlegedbased artciles ) Here is high level picture of above scenarios;  Scenario 1 (process line with blue arrows): Customer connects to company portal or selfcare por

Make your Chatbot ready (Microsoft Bot Framework).to work with LUIS

Prerequisities : LUIS Service : Bot Project creation : Installation and Configuration of Microsoft Bot Framework Emulator : Configure LUIS service for bot : 1.1                             Connecting to the services from your bot if you go over prerequisities, you will have a visual studio project so i n order to connect to the LUIS service, your bot should be configured properly through the .bot  file. In  Startup.cs ,   ConfigureServices   read connection string or other necessary information from .bot to  integrate with external services   and   InitBotServices   uses that information to initialize the services accordingly. sample of  ".bot " file:

LUIS - Language Understanding Intelligent Service - step by step instruction

LUIS Here is the definition of LUIS for Microsoft; " LUIS is a machine learning-based service to build natural language into apps, bots, and IoT devices. Quickly create enterprise-ready, custom models that continuously improve. " We can use LUIS in our chatbot solution in order to convert human-readable sentences of customer to a machine-readable format. LUIS generates JSON format through utterences from customer free-text input. The ability to understand what your user means conversationally and contextually can be a difficult task, but can provide your bot a more natural conversation feel. Language Understanding, called LUIS, enables you to do just that so that your bot can recognize the intent of user messages, allow for more natural language from your user, and better direct the conversation flow. This topic walks you through setting up a simple bot that uses LUIS to recognize a few different intents. Here are the step by step instructions of LU