
Showing posts with the label Migration

Data Migration (Integration) principles in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Deliveries

Hello, As COVID-19 epidemic is ongoing and keeping us at home, I would like to share my thoughts and experiences about the position of "Data" during Dynamics 365 deliveries. Information is regularly generated by the daily business activities through multiple channels. It is vital to track the information with necessary applications by converting it into data then storing data among systems for an organization so we should consider data in legacy systems for most Dynamics 365 deliveries. Since data might be distributed in the systems, It is challenging to consolidate business information that is coming from legacy systems, in the new delivery. I do not remember any CRM projects that were not asked to skip existing customer details in Microsoft CRM :) Data are mostly considered very late, last quarter of the project life-cycle. I think, It must be taken care early phase of any deliveries and project teams should discuss data migration as well as data integration while ...