
Showing posts from May, 2018

how to paste text with CR into one row

Sometimes you may suffer from copy from word (html table or any other text resource) and paste to the excel which results distribute single rows into consecutive sheet sequence. Use Microsoft Word 2010 or never version in order to replace unprinted character like carriage return etc. Here is the instruction; copy all texts from source paste to empty word document click ctrl+h replace menu will be displayed click "Find what:" find "Manual Line Break" through "Special" button bottom of the window type one space to the "Replace with:"  click "Replace All" It is now ready to copy and paste to the excel. good luck...

upgrade RHEL from 7.2 to 7.4 - offline

Hello, I would like to share my RHEL offline upgrade adventure  after realising that no internet connection in the server. First of all, I was lucky to have RHEL 7.4 iso file which was compressed with .zip in the RHEL 7.2 server. Logic is simple; - unzip RHEL 7.4 file to reveal .iso - mount it to the server - configure YUM for upgrade - upgrade server. I could not be succeed at my first attempt due to "command not found" message while unpackaging archieve file ;  unzip then I found unzip-6.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm in internet and copied to server after that I run following command in order to install unzip RPM yum install unzip-6.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm System is now ready to execute;  unzip I eventually handle ISO file. It was good time to mount ISO file to start upgrade process: 1- make directory which will host ISO file as a new drive mkdir /media/rhel74 2- mount iso file to the ...