
Showing posts with the label error C2065: 'CW2A' : undeclared identifier

error C2065: 'CW2A' : undeclared identifier if atlconv.h is added into project

Selam (Hi in Turkish), if you get an Error : 'error C2065: 'CW2A' : undeclared identifier' in your C++ project(either ActiveX) while compiling the line which is included COLE2T statement (#define COLE2T CW2T in atlconv.h). please check below within your project; 1- Be sure that your project is supported by ATL (if it is ActiveX). To prepare your project for working with ATL , just add class via right click of Project in Microsoft Visual Studio Solution Explorer and select add>class>'Add ATL Support to MFC'.Visual Studio will set up the current project. 2- use statement with ATL:: prefix ( ATL::COLE2T lpszIID(lpszOleIID) ). Gule Gule (Bye Bye in Turkish). P.S:Please do not hesitate to share your comments.