
Showing posts with the label properties

a study about Reflection Class for C# programmer

Reflection provides objects (of type Type ) that describe assemblies , modules and types . You can use reflection to dynamically create an instance of a type, bind the type to an existing object, or get the type from an existing object and invoke its methods or access its fields and properties ( thanks to Microsoft for the definition  Ref:  ) . I prepare sort of codes to make Reflection approach closer to you :) Here are the keywords to be mentioned in the study: Load Assembly, Initiate Class then invoke method(s) with/out parameters - Beginner Level Load Class and Invoke method through Type Def. (string name) with parameters - Beginner Level Suppress cast (convert) operation for incompatible classes with Reflection - Intermediate Level Anonymous Type calls via Reflection - Advance Level First of all, I would like to describe all classes to be used in the lab. I ...