
Showing posts with the label Message property name 'Target' is not valid on message Create. ErrorCode: -2147204757

can not deploy CRM Package via CRM Developer Toolkit

Hello, When you add a PlugIn Image to a step via Crm Developer Toolkit in Micrososft Visual Studio then  try to deploy package to the Dynamics 365 CRM, you may face an error by stating Error : Message: Message property name 'Target' is not valid on message Create. ErrorCode: -2147204757 It is because "MessagePropertyName" of the image as seen below:            <Image Attributes="bnb_airlineid,bnb_flightcode,bnb_fromid,bnb_name,bnb_toid,bnb_type" EntityAlias="Target" Name="Target" Id="37c0ab9c-cefb-e911-aad3-080027ebb059" MessagePropertyName="Target" ImageType="PostImage" /> Fixing action: just add "Id" as MessagePropertyType :            <Image Attributes="bnb_airlineid,bnb_flightcode,bnb_fromid,bnb_name,bnb_toid,bnb_type" EntityAlias="Target" Name="Target" Id="37c0ab9c-cefb-e911-aad3-080027ebb059"   MessagePropertyName="Id...