
Showing posts from October, 2019

Main principal of Technical Design Document (TDD) for Project Deliveries

Technical Design Document (TDD) is mostly used for product and application feature development by realizing of business requirements for solutions (maybe specific problems). I am going to describe some practices of mine to utilize TDD for any deliveries so TDD aim's will be  evolving from definition of general/common solutions for market/sector maybe ecosystem's problems to certain client demand/expectation description. The primary function of a TDD for solution architect (SA) , is to communicate the technical details of the work to be done to the stakeholders who are going to get involved with.  However, there is a second purpose which is just as important: the process of writing the TDD forces SA to organize client expectation/requirement/thought and consider every aspect of the design, ensuring that there are no items/subjects left. I propose you to keep in your mind following bullets while writing TDD for project delivery; PURPOSE OF  DOCUMENT - It is neces...

Two and half speed IT architecture @Digital Transformation - fail fast, fix fast...

"Digital transformation" is now important subject for the technology fighters and hides remarkable challenges itself. Internet era evolves information technologies to cover not only customers but also employees ,stakeholders, public even politics in order to enhanced organization's vision and mission through rapid strategy. Nowadays, no one skips social media, mobility, smart bots, omni-channel in their strategy so Organization must align with the new technologies quickly. Apart from that Industry 4.0 already pushes business daily bases for any changes to get ready Industry 5.0. 2-speed IT architecture is clear for Digital Enterprise architects during transforming organization digitally. It defines two separated streams working in parallel. while one is involving with current system improvements, other is focusing on digital transformation to align organization with the latest technologies, trends and expectations. It is obvious that each streams will have speed di...

Dynamics CRM 365 Solution Template for Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition

  Hello, You have recently downloaded new version of Visual Studio namely 2019 and want to develop PlugIns or maybe Custom Workflow with the power of Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition . Here is good Visual Studio Project Template : when you download it, you will get Microsoft.CrmDeveloperTools.vsix but it will not be installed to your version of  Visual Studio since it is complied with Visual Studio 2012, 2013, 2015 for such situation, 1- open Microsoft.CrmDeveloperTools.vsix with WinZip and find extension.vsixmanifest file. 2- edit extension.vsixmanifest with notepad or notepad++ 3- find <Installation> tag 4- add following     <InstallationTarget Version="[11.0,17.0]" Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community" /> but change below     <InstallationTarget Version="[11.0,17.0]" Id="Microsoft.VisualStu...

timeout facts in Microsoft CRM

Hello, Today I am going to talk about possible timeouts configurtion in Dynamics CRM onpremise which rarely be pain for us. First of all, facing timeout related issues are not common, Most of the time, They are result of other unsupported/wrong coding,design,customization,configuration so always consider root cause of the problem. Anyway, somehow you might be under press and does not want to be stuck to timeout errors at that moment :) Here are the points of the Dynamics CRM for timeout : OLEDBTimeout DWORD (32-bit value) at Registry Editor ( regedit -> Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSCRM ) Default Value : 30 in second. You need to add registery subkey to change the value ExtendedTimeout DWORD (32-bit value) at Registry Editor ( regedit -> Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSCRM ) Default Value : 300  in second. You can change the value from web.config executionTimeout at httpRuntime in web.config (C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\CRM...

How to use Azure Active Directory for Dynamics 365 on-premise -> tight relations among Azure Active Directory <-> Local Windows Server 2016 (not Azure Virtual Machine) <-> Dynamics 365 CRM On-premise

Hello, Do you want to use local windows servers and your Dynamics CRM on-premise with Azure Active Directory? - No need to have local Active Directory- if yes, just follow the pdf document of mine. I describe all steps literally by providing screenshots in order to make it easy. The study covers: Installation and configuration of Azure Active Directory Domain Services  Installation and configuration of Azure virtual network gateway  Certificate generation for Point-to-site  Point-to-site Configuration  VPN preparation for Client (local Windows Server 2016)   Subscribing Windows Server to the Azure Active Directory Tenant Installation and Configuration of Dynamics CRM 365 Version 9 on-premise Azure Active Directory - Windows Server 2016 - Dynamics CRM 365 on-premise.pdf hopes, it is useful at least one person in the world ! :) enjoy ! Note: I am goi...

3 lovely days with all versions of Microsoft CRM

I had a vertical solution on MSCRM 1.2 and wanted to update it to the latest version of Dynamics CRM so I started an unforgettable journey which makes me emotional :) 1st - Install CRM 1.2 to a Virtual Machine and deliver customizations to the CRM 1.2 . What a great version and UI - a color beam from yellow to blue. Ribbon was bottom of the page. Following question deserves to be final one at "who wants to be a millioner"; in Which version of MSCRM can be used with other language rather than English ? A- MSCRM 1.2 B- MSCRM 4.0 C- MSCRM 2011 D - Dynamics CRM 2016 Answer: MSCRM 1.2  (It is a big mystery :)) 2nd - Upgrade it to the CRM version 3.0 manually that means repeated all customizations one by one. Blue was dominant with gray touch for UI. Navigation was moved to left of the screen just bottom of treeview. 3rd - transform the vertical solution to the Version 4.0. UI is similiar with 3.0, Just cosmetic touches but blue was a lot with yellow and whit...