
Showing posts with the label PowerApps Component Framework

NoteIt! : A control to display Dynamics 365 DataGrids colorful and easy readable - PowerApps Component Framework ( PCF )

Hello,  You can beautify your Dynamics 365 Grids through NoteIt! PCF control.   It is so easy just set control to your relationship grid in the Dynamics 365 form and configure parameters (or leave them as default :) ).   you can download it from Grid appearance after PCF Control implementation; Grid appearance before PCF Control implementation; enjoy.

Controller: Exposing HTML Input element events on PowerApps Component Framework

Hello, As "addOnKeyPress" event for the text field is deprecated, I wanted to reflect existing code in Dynamics 365 Onpremise edition to Online so I looked around for possibilities. Finally took decision to focus on PowerApps Component Framework. I developed one PCF control to expose not only OnKeyPress but also common html input events to the customizer in Dynamics 365 Online. you can download the control for PowerApps application as well as Dynamics 365 from  .  You can set client scripting for following events  onblur onchange oncopy oncut onclick    ondblclick onfocus onfocusin onfocusout   oninput  onkeydown onkeyup onkeypress onmousedown onmouseenter onmouseleave onmousemove onmouseover onmouseout onmouseup onpaste onselect ...