
DISP_FUNCTION_ID : You should define dispatching map for any method in ActiveX to be used for COM. If the map is not set correctly,Method will not be seen anymore.

DISP_FUNCTION_ID gets 6 parameters.These are;
1-class,method belongs to
2-External Method name,value can be method name
3-Dispatch id of method,unique number
5- Return value should be one of VARENUM in wtypes.h
6- Parameters value defines in afxdisp.h (space is seperator of each params)

for example;
DISP_FUNCTION_ID(C_X_OleLibraryCtrl, "GetIDLMsg", 1, GetIDLMsg, VT_BSTR /* return type*/, VTS_PVARIANT VTS_BSTR /* two parameters are seperated by empty*/)

good luck,
P.S. If you have any comments please do not hesitate share.


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