
"Navigation to the webpage was canceled‏" seems in chm file pages.

First of all, make sure that hhctrl.ocx is registered in the windows system.if not run regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx command from prompt. Secondly, unlock the file from property menu by right click . good luck...

Cannot locate resource 'xxxxx.xaml' (Default: 'window1.xaml'). Windows Presentation Foundation

If you get an error message as in subject line; add [assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute(/*"xx-XX" (for example :*/"en-US"/*)*/, UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.Satellite)] statement into AssemblyInfo.cs file on your project. Good Luck...

Stored Procedure Pattern in SQL Server 2005

Here is a basic stored procedure concept i personally offer to advanced SQL Server users; SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE cur_sor CURSOR DECLARE @CURSOR_FETCH_STATUS INT DECLARE @varible1 as [anytype] ,@variable2 as [anytype],.... SET cur_sor = CURSOR LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY STATIC READ_ONLY FOR SELECT .... FROM ..... /* for Arguments Detail check */ OPEN cur_sor BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION FETCH NEXT FROM cur_sor INTO @varible1,@variable2 ,... /* not more than selected columns above*/ SELECT @CURSOR_FETCH_STATUS = @@FETCH_STATUS WHILE @CURSOR_FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN ....... /* INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE ( DML) or any other process */ ....... FETCH NEXT FROM cur_sor INTO @varible1,@variable2 ,... SELECT @CURSOR_FETCH_STATUS = @@FETCH_STATUS END COMMIT END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT(ERROR_NUMBER()) PRINT(ERROR_SEVERITY()) PRINT(ERROR_STATE()) PRINT(ERROR_PROCEDURE()) PRINT(ERROR_LINE()) PRINT(ERROR_MESSAGE()) ROLLBACK END CATCH CLOSE cur_sor DEALLOCATE cur_so

An Error is thrown by Distributor Agent about 'Error executing a batch of commands Retrying individual commands' while Replicating Server

If you get an error message on Replication Monitor that is given by Distributor Agent about "Error executing a batch of commands Retrying individual commands" and figure out table does not replicate to subscriber.There will probably occur data integrity problem.Check foreign key or any other relations,constraints over the table and verify in subscriber database Nevertheless you may omit the error adding "-SkipErrors 20598 " parameters into Replication distributor agent job... good luck,

table partition

-Creating CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION IdPartition ( int ) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ( 10000 , 20000 , 30000, 40000, 50000 ) CREATE PARTITION SCHEME IdSchema AS PARTITION IdPartition TO ( Filegroup1,Filegroup2,Filegroup3,Filegroup4,Filegroup5,Filegroup6) Altering ALTER PARTITION SCHEME IdSchema NEXT USED Filegroup2 ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION IdPartition () SPLIT RANGE ( 100000 ) retrieving partition status of databases SELECT $partition.IdPartition(DCEProjects.ID) AS [Partition Number],max(DCEProjects.ID) FROM dbo.DCEProjects --WHERE $partition.IdPartition(DCEProjects.ID) = 2 GROUP BY $partition.IdPartition(DCEProjects.ID) ORDER BY [Partition Number]

Get all Tables rows count in a database

Here is T-SQL Statment; Select 'TabloAdi_TableName' , B.rowcnt 'SatirSayisi_RowCount' from sysobjects A, sysindexes B where and A.type = 'u' and indid <2 order by TableName good luck,

comparision executed user role with given

Syntax : is_srvrolemember(SQLServerRole in String) Returns : if user has right for given return will be 1 for example; if (not (is_srvrolemember('sysadmin') = 1)) -- Make sure that executing by SQ. begin raiserror(...) return(1) end