
How to add .net based user control to AX 2009

if you would like to add any user control prepared on .net platform into AX 2009 you should follow the steps: 1-Create Active X and wrap the user control with unmanaged code. 2-register to windows as COM object. 3-call it from AX. 1- Here is sample code: //create Class type project in Visual Studio //Set events that will be used in AX //presents to caller [ComVisible(true)] //create interface type of Dispatch [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch)] //Create unique key, used by windows //you can create a guid from tools menu on visual studio easily. [Guid("102B961D-60B6-4990-8B29-4802F7F9D293")] public interface IEventInterface { [DispId(1)] //define events that we want to use void ValidateEdit(object sender, ValidateEditEventArgs e); } [ComVisible(true)] //class unique ID [ProgId("DC.ActiveX.C1FlexGrid")] //declera EventInterface class for the class [ComSourceInterfaces(typeof(IEventInterface))] //class type should be AutoDual [ClassInterface(ClassInt

How to call any web page from SQL Enterprise manager as scheduled job

Here is code with VB Script; Dim WshShell Set WshShell =CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("C:\\PROGRA~1\\INTERN~1\\iexplore.exe http://localhost/xxxx/app/pages.aspx ") oExec.Terminate() Set WsShell = Nothing Pay attention to terminating iexplore.exe after Job finishes on codes.

Having Trouble While Adding Entry Into EventLog

Open regedit32 (start> cmd> type "regedit") and navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog and click on "Security-->Permissions..." in the menu. check security permission for any account on the system (Such as ASPNET vs..) Important Notice : Please be careful while changing anything on Registery.A corruption or Error on file may crash Operating System.

Fetching XML return max 5000 records

One way you can do adding TurnOffFetchThrottling DWORD key into HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSCRM with Setting value 1. 0 – default and MaxRowsPerPage(others key that CRM concerns) is respected Non-zero – no limit to the number of rows returned. MaxRowsPerPage not respected.

Error code : 80042802. xxxx.dll apperas to be an unsigned assembly which is disabled from executing as spcifed in workflow.config

When you call assemly from Workflow you may get this error. Microsoft CRM 3.0 workflow does not support unsigned assembly.You should specifically determine to Workflow engine to use unsigned assembly. To do this just add allowunsignedassemblies="true" into Workflow.config.xml which is probably in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft CRM\Server\bin\assembly" directory. result will be ;

Add icon to Top of NavBar on MSCRM30...

You can add icon into Navigation Bar on MSCRM 30. to do this 1- edit ..\wwwroot\_root \navbarpage.aspx 2- add /* < . IMG alt="firm full name" src="../_imgs/firmicon.gif" . > */ tag after scripts 3 - save & close 4 - Refresh CRM Main Page IMPORTANT NOTICE: This script is not supported by MICROSOFT. it may be harmful for Microsoft CRM.

How to Create Custom LookUp on MSCRM 30

Creating lookup on CRM.We need 2 text fields on Appropriate CRM Entity and also have to publish on CRM Form invisibly. ( LookupObjects(lookupField, lookupStyle, lookupClass, lookupTypes, lookupBrowse, bindingColumns, additionalParams, showNew, showProp, bPopulateLookup, defaultType, searchString) n ) Javascript code must be run OnLoad Event; function ChangeDisplayPicture(object,OnOff) { var obj = document.getElementById(object); if ( obj != null ) { if (OnOff == 'On') obj.src = '/_imgs/btn_on_lookup.gif'; else obj.src = '/_imgs/btn_off_lookup.gif'; } } function OpenSelectedDetails(namefield, idfield, typecodefield) { // Window resize functions at the beginning and end of the function for Turkish Character Bug in MSCRM window.resizeBy(2,2); nameObject = window.document.forms("crmForm").elements(namefield); IdObject=window.document.forms("crmForm").elements(idfield); TypeCode=window.document.forms("crmForm").elements(typecodefield); i