
Hey blog, I have a question :) ... increasing interactivity of your blog by utilizing Microsoft Azure QnA Maker

Hello, 26th of March, 2020 - though days under Corona pandemic Today, I am going to share all details about adding funny feature into my blog for anyone who are suffering a technical problem and want to see how did i sort it out under the same situation :). It has been more than 13 years keeping "things" of computer world in public area . There are up to 120 posts that address technical issues with solution,workaround or instructions or articles for I.T lover. In this article, you will see QnA Service creation Moving posts from my blopgpot to the QnA Engine as a Knowledge base for training and processing Sending question and receiving answer Adding bot to the my blog page. First of all, let me quickly tell you why I chose QnA Maker engine of Microsoft; Create and publish a bot in teams , or elsewhere without writing a single line of code. You can also add personality to your bot using pre-built chit-chat datasets. Extract question-answer pairs from

Use Multiple Framework in your single Visual Studio project - Multi Framework Targeting

If you want to build your code with couple environments compliance, Visual Studio allows us to generate for multiple architecture. Visual Studio can generate libraries for .NET Framework 4.6.2 while building libraries for .NET Standard 2.0. One compile, couple outputs :) In order to convert your Visual Project, Open .csproj file that you want to use multiple framework than manipulate TargetFramework tag. For Example; I created a Project for .NET Standard 2.0 from Visual Studio as usual then set it for already .NET Framework 4.6.2 Visual Studio creates .csproj file as following ; <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">   <PropertyGroup>     <TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework>     <Authors>United Response SAM Team</Authors>     <Company>United Response</Company>     <Description>United Response SAM Team</Description>     <Version></Version>   </PropertyGroup> <

Use PowerApps as FrontEnd channel & Portal for Dynamics 365 CE on-premise through WebAPI calls - step by step

Hello, Welcome to another journey in Microsoft Ecosystem, fasten your seat belt and enjoy ! I am going to describe step by step implementation following scenario in the lab study; Overview Audience condition : It is expected to have familiarity with Dynamics 365 CE entity model, WebAPI, openAPI, JSON, HTTP, Power Platform, MVC patern and Requirement: A solution of mine requires portal capabilities to meet business requirements so First of all, I need to implement Survey to the solution by generating dynamic questionnaire based on model. I chose PowerApps to generate pages based on design in Dynamics 365 CE. Customers may have n type surveys per customer group to collect feedback. Dynamics 365 CE on-premise has necessary model for Survey - 8 custom entities are defined for survey like questions, responses, choices etc. - Architecture :   I have Dynamics CE 365 on-premise engine 9.x at my end and PowerApps free account at Microsoft Azure. A Canvas Application